Reports and insightful data analytics

Booking engine feature:

Reports and insightful data analytics

Run your business based on data. We'll help you make important decisions

Learn more about your customers

You'll have a better time management

Make better decisions with data

About the feature - Reports and insightful data analytics

Do you want more information when making decisions about your business? With our insightful data analytics, you will see which service is booked the most, which employee is the busiest, as well as who brought you the highest profits. You will also know the exact ratio of your regular and new customers, you can work more efficiently with the capacity of your establishment, do calculations on the most requested service or adjust the opening hours.

Feature Reports and insightful data analytics - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Reports and insightful data analytics:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Hotel Panorama
HRIC zubná ambulancia
Cafe Imperial
Mauro Simon
DUOS očná optika
Na kopci
Roy Zsidai

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

Erik Ondrejkovič

Erik Ondrejkovič


Martina Hojsíková

Martina Hojsíková

manager hotela Panorama Trenčianske Teplice

MUDr. Linda Králiková

MUDr. Linda Králiková

konateľ a garant ambulancie FBLR Fyzioactive

We've chosen Bookio. because we believe that the team of people around this project shares the same values as us - they have a great work ethic and a passion for what they do. Bookio. is a young but rapidly evolving company and we are happy to work with them. Developing a new version of Bookio. together was very exitingand we are already looking forward to working together on future projects.

Bookio is very user-friendly software. It has helped our clinic with clients’ appointments and provided us with a better overview of our work. Bookio's biggest advantage is online booking, the client can make their rehabilitation appointment anytime and via any device, be it a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The launch of this app itself brought us new clients already in the first month, as several clients booked via the Facebook page and the website the first basic physical examinations, as well as exercises and massages. We consider Bookio to be a top app.

Our hotel was one of the first hotels that started using the Bookio system for sales, but also as a hotel reservation system for wellness procedures. The Bookio reservation system made our reservations more transparent and facilitated and modernized work in our new wellness center of the hotel. Bookio helped especially with regard to the timing of the procedures, as our hotel offers a wide range of them. Customers call less and book the service directly online. We have fewer phone calls and customers are satisfied that they can make a reservation at any time of the day or night. We also appreciate the possibility of payment in advance , which brought us a decrease in forfeited reservations.

We are very satisfied with Bookio. Scheduling is simple and clear. We also want to highlight automated SMS appointment reminders for our patients. They save us a lot of time and energy. I can't imagine working without this system anymore.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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