Room management

Booking engine feature:

Room management

No double bookings

Simple room setup

Automatic protection against overbooking

Maximum utilization

About the feature - Room management

In the booking system, you can easily set the rooms that you use and also their capacity. Bookio. thenensures that no room will be reserved for more visitors than its capacity, or that no one else would book the same room for the same time of your event

Feature Room management - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Room management:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Hotel Devín
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Dobrý kouč
logo MIRRI
DUOS očná optika
Na kopci
MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

MUDr. Ján Sojak, PhD.

RHINO ORL ambulancia Bratislava

Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Bc. et. Bc. Barbora Krupová

Optometrist & Optician DUOS očná optika

Kristína Jurčová

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

Mikuláš Nagy

Mikuláš Nagy

Manažér Fabrika the Beer Pub

Since we have been using Bookio in our clinics, we are not disturbed by phone calls during patient examinations. We can pay our full attention to our patients, while other patients have the opportunity to find the date that suits them andself-book an appointment even from the comfort of their own home.

The reservation system through Bookio is very clear and really reliable.  We especially appreciate features such as reminding the customer about the appointment via SMS and e-mail. Since Bookio automatically sends reminders, it hassaved us a lot of time. What’s more, we have almost 100% booking utilization, as customers do not forget their appointment anymore.

“Konečne máme bookio"
Dlho sme váhali, rozhodli sme sa vyskúšať a veru sme si nemohli vybrať lepšie. Prvé dni to bola zvykačka, ale teraz dokonalosť. Pre klientky nie je nič lepšie ako systém, v ktorom si prehľadne vyberú deň a čas, ktorý im pasuje, a ja mám miesto dvoch diárov, jeden kalendár a vo všetkom prehľad. Okrem toho pri úvodných malých bojoch so systémom, keď niečo nefungovalo, alebo sme sa nevedeli zorientovať má bookio skvelý tím ľudí, Martina mi vždy bola nápomocná a spolu s kolegovcami vyriešili všetko, aj nemožné. Vďaka bookio za uľahčenie  a zjednodušenie pracovného chaosu.” :-)

We can't imagine running our restaurant without Bookio. It's easy for both our customers and us. In Bookio we have all the visit history, customer feedback, statistics and much more saved, so we don't have to process and store this data. Bookio also makes our work easier and more efficient.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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