Bookings 24/7

Booking engine feature:

Bookings 24/7

Be available even when you can't pick up the phone

Possibility to make an appointment at any time

Overview of available dates nonstop at hand

Simply place the booking form on your website

About the feature - Bookings 24/7

Your reservation book remains available to those interested in your services even outside your opening hours. This will certainly be appreciated by customers who don’t have time to call during the working day and want to make a reservation in the evening. We probably all know it, we postpone our visit because we forget or don't have time to call and make an appointment. Don't force clients to to book only during your working hours, give them the freedom for which they will love you!

Feature Bookings 24/7 - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Bookings 24/7:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Gašperov mlyn
Zdravé masáže
Cafe Imperial
Dobrý kouč
Bukowski bar
Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt



spolumajiteľ Sicily Café

Erik Ondrejkovič

Erik Ondrejkovič


Eva Prekopová

Eva Prekopová

majiteľ Tatry FLy

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

A solution thought out in detail, which is easy to use for both staff and guests, provides all the necessary functions and is perfect for managing multiple establishments. In addition, very professional support in cases where a specific situation needs to be resolved. We recommend it to anyone looking for a smart and stable solution :)

Bookio is very user-friendly software. It has helped our clinic with clients’ appointments and provided us with a better overview of our work. Bookio's biggest advantage is online booking, the client can make their rehabilitation appointment anytime and via any device, be it a computer, mobile phone or tablet. The launch of this app itself brought us new clients already in the first month, as several clients booked via the Facebook page and the website the first basic physical examinations, as well as exercises and massages. We consider Bookio to be a top app.

Bookio is an excellent reservation system that met our expectations 100%. Maximum individualization. The reservation system meets all our requirements. Bookio has no competition for us yet

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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