
Booking engine feature:


Sale of additional services directly at the time of booking

Upselling already at the time of booking

The possibility of increasing sales by selling them

Appropriate discounts on additional services

About the feature - Add-ons

Do you want to offer your clients additional services and increase sales? Offer extra services directly at the time of booking. Your customers can simply add them to basket in the booking form and plan their program at home. What’s more, you will increase your sales with an additional service, which is most cost-effective for you.

Feature Add-ons - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Add-ons:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Mauro Simon
Baudelaire late bar and bistro
DUOS očná optika
Bistro ST. Germain
Tatry Fly
Lukáš Hric

Lukáš Hric

majiteľ HRIC zubná ambulancia



spolumajiteľ Sicily Café

Lenka Krajčovičová

Lenka Krajčovičová

IEM SPA manažér

Jan Turek

Jan Turek


The exact time and date of patient appointments is considered to bea superior service in the healthcare industry. BOOKIO system has made it an expected service and in these days also necessary . BOOKIO is a system on which we have built the core of our company. It provides us and our patients with an up-to-date and accurate overview of a particular day, with all the important information and, last but not least, with the option of making an appointment with a doctor without having to contactthe staff. We have moved the booking process, which until now was the task of the medical staff, to the online environment, and we can focus more on our patients. We consider the system to be very easy to use with features that easily meet the needs of the provider of the services. Setting up the system was easy and so is working with it both for us and the patient.

A solution thought out in detail, which is easy to use for both staff and guests, provides all the necessary functions and is perfect for managing multiple establishments. In addition, very professional support in cases where a specific situation needs to be resolved. We recommend it to anyone looking for a smart and stable solution :)

Bookio reservation system met all our expectations.We have been using it in our clinic for 4 years and its simplicity and user-friendliness can’t be praised highly enough. It is used daily by 5-8 of our therapists at the same time and makes it easier for them to see their appointments. Each client has their own online card, where we can see what procedures they have already had and what else we can recommend in terms of procedures and treatments.A big advantage is that we can see in real time who and when made the reservation, and who canceled it and when. Bookio is also a great benefit for our clients who like to manage their activities (bookings and dates) themselves through the online environment.

We wanted to make it as easy as possible for our guests to get to us. We didn't want them to have to make phone calls, which often annoys them, we simply wanted to be as accommodating as possible. We chose Bookio also because it is not just a sales tool but a all-in-one booking system, which is unique in the Czech Republic. We didn't want the reservation system to just resell seats in our restaurants and take commissions from it.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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