Vacation packages

Booking engine feature:

Vacation packages

Simple creation of attractive service packages

Easy way of creating accommodation packages

Option to add extra services to the package

Selection of channels through which packages will be offered

About the feature - Vacation packages

Bookio. allows you to easily create vacation packages (e.g. New Year's stay, Easter stay) for the selected period of time. In the user-friendly interface, you can create any number of packages, add some interesting additional services to them, add an unlimited number of photos and also simply regulate the price depending on the number of nights. Packages are subsequently automatically available in your booking form as well as on your preferred sales channels.

Feature Vacation packages - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Vacation packages:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Fabrika the beer pub
DUOS očná optika
MAZREKU medical
Zdravé masáže
Beauty Lounge Studio
Juraj Michalových

Juraj Michalových

Manažér Au café

Attila Danter

Attila Danter

majiteľ STK a KO v 5 mestách na SVK

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

JUDr. Monika Šichmák Bočová

Zakladateľka Centra Vzdušnej Akrobacie a hlavný tréner

Zuzana Madarasova-Keszocze

Zuzana Madarasova-Keszocze


Au Cafe was the first restaurant in the Roman Restaurants chain to test BookioPro. We immediately liked it and recommended it not only to our colleagues in the Roman Restaurants network, but also to fellow managers from other establishments.

Thanks to Bookio, we have a perfect overview of the utilization of our employees. We even applied motivational bonuses to it, which has significantly increased not only the efficiency of their work but also the motivation to maintain a high standard of service, which has been much appreciated by our customers.

With group courses, it is extradifficult to fill them and also keep track of capacity. We can't even imagine it without Bookio anymore. We have several courses and limited capacity. Before using Bookio, we had to go through a lot of phone calls and text messages in order to find a suitable date for all attendees and at the same time utilize the capacity efficiently.

Our Slovak Fort Boyard has been open for almost 2 years. In the beginning we had tried different booking systems, online reservations which would be functional for us and easy to make for our clients, but to no avail. From our point of view Bookio is currently the most effective booking system on the market. Clients have the option to book online. They will not forget about the appointment as the system sends automatic reminders. We have a great view of reservations, data analytics and other useful outputs. We are pleased that Bookio gives us room for dialogueand is willing to make improvements according to our needs.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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