Billing documents

Booking engine feature:

Billing documents

Generation of receipts for holiday vouchers

Generation of billing documents for holiday vouchers

V dokladoch obsiahnuté všetky zákonné náležitosti

Option to automatically send the document to an email address

About the feature - Billing documents

Bookio. automatically generates documents that meet all the requirements for accepting a holiday voucher. You can send the documents to the customer by email and avoid any paperwork which is associated with holiday vouchers. Most of your customers want to use holiday vouchers when staying in your accommodation facility. No problem!

Feature Billing documents - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Billing documents:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Hotel Panorama
Dobrý kouč
Fabrika the beer pub
Zdravé masáže
Fabrika 48
Rehab klinik
Maroš Hitka

Maroš Hitka

majiteľ masážneho salónu ZDRAVÉ MASÁŽE

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

Koučka a konzultantka, www.dobrykouc.sk

Lea Ballová

Lea Ballová

Marketing Manager | CZ & SK, Bolt

Rastislav Jakubička

Rastislav Jakubička

MAJITEĽ Auto Arena

Bookio is not just an ordinary reservation system. It is a versatile management tool that has helped us grow almost since our inception. In the meantime, we have opened new branches , expanded the range of services and are increasing their quality. It contains the functionalities of an advanced CMS system , thanks to which we can continuously measure the satisfaction and return of clients and the profitability of our operations. We already consider Bookio a part of our team: she is our virtual receptionist, but she can do much, much more.

Bookio saved me a lot of time and provided my clients with a convenient solution. I have an overview of bookings, payments, and clients canbook at any time.

Thanks to the good user interface provided by Bookio, we can easily and quickly create any event according to our needs. Customers find the booking system easy to understand and intuitive and they can confirm the reservation with a few clicks. In addition, Bookio provides phone consultations so we can consult or resolve anything straight away.

Bookio really saves our time, which surprised me. I didn't expect it at all. It has made our booking process simpler and more organized and avoided confusion and misunderstandings (e.g. we used to have unfortunate double bookings). Thanks to a greater overview, we can now manage more appointments. In addition, thanks to SMS reminders, clients do not forget to come and our business does not lose money.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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