T&C and GDPR

Booking engine feature:

T&C and GDPR

Bookio will sort out this paperwork for you. All approvals and documents in compliance with the regulation are automatically implemented.

Terms and conditions compliant with EU regulations

Fully GDPR compliant

Option to have your own TC and GDPR

About the feature - T&C and GDPR

You don't have to deal with government regulations regarding GDPR and TC. Bookio. provides you with all the necessary legal documents in accordance with the latest EU regulations. If you have already created your own GDPR and TC, we can incorporate them into the booking form.

Feature T&C and GDPR - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using T&C and GDPR:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Rehab klinik
Zdravé masáže
logo MIRRI
Mauro Simon
Jamie Oliver´s Diner
Dish Burgers
Daniel Kulla

Daniel Kulla


PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

Koučka a konzultantka, www.dobrykouc.sk

Michal Kováč

Michal Kováč

Tréner Flexitarian.sk

Roy Zsidai

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

At Hotel Devín, we have worked hard to ensure that our client can book any of our services quickly and conveniently. With the accommodation booking system it is quite easy, because there are several excellent solutions on the market. However, we had a problem with the technology for booking our Spa services, Thai massages and squash in particular. This gap was successfully "filled" by Bookio. What I appreciate most about their solution is the ease of booking an appointment for the client and theemail or SMS notifications, which are very convenient for the client.

Bookio saved me a lot of time and provided my clients with a convenient solution. I have an overview of bookings, payments, and clients canbook at any time.

Bookio is a scheduling system, thanks to which I not only have a better overview of bookings, but it also enables my clients to book various services, such as training for two or group training. New clients simply book an appointment that is available according to their time preferences. I also very much appreciate the option of repeat bookings and the transfer of bookings using drag and drop.

We've chosen Bookio. because we believe that the team of people around this project shares the same values as us - they have a great work ethic and a passion for what they do. Bookio. is a young but rapidly evolving company and we are happy to work with them. Developing a new version of Bookio. together was very exitingand we are already looking forward to working together on future projects.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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