Mobile-friendly system

Booking engine feature:

Mobile-friendly system

Bookio. is also mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendly booking

Clear and intuitive design

Payment for the appointment directly in the mobile phone

About the feature - Mobile-friendly system

Bookio. booking system is optimized for all types of mobile devices so that it can also be used by employees in the field. Your customers can make a reservation conveniently directly from their cell phone, thanks to the features of our mobile-friendly website. Nowadays, we use the Internet on mobile phones more and more. Computers are taking a back seat and we want to handle everything on one device - our smartphone. That's why it's a must that clients can conveniently make a reservation via their phone. With Bookio, it's a piece of cake. The reservation is adapted to all mobile devices, so clients can conveniently book an appointment without any problems even from the cell phone.

Feature Mobile-friendly system - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Mobile-friendly system:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Beauty Lounge Studio
Fabrika 48
Barber Club
Bistro ST. Germain
Kristína Jurčová

Kristína Jurčová

pmu artist, kozmetológ

Lenka Krajčovičová

Lenka Krajčovičová

IEM SPA manažér

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

PhDr. Bronislava Švrčková

Koučka a konzultantka, www.dobrykouc.sk



spolumajiteľ Sicily Café

“Konečne máme bookio"
Dlho sme váhali, rozhodli sme sa vyskúšať a veru sme si nemohli vybrať lepšie. Prvé dni to bola zvykačka, ale teraz dokonalosť. Pre klientky nie je nič lepšie ako systém, v ktorom si prehľadne vyberú deň a čas, ktorý im pasuje, a ja mám miesto dvoch diárov, jeden kalendár a vo všetkom prehľad. Okrem toho pri úvodných malých bojoch so systémom, keď niečo nefungovalo, alebo sme sa nevedeli zorientovať má bookio skvelý tím ľudí, Martina mi vždy bola nápomocná a spolu s kolegovcami vyriešili všetko, aj nemožné. Vďaka bookio za uľahčenie  a zjednodušenie pracovného chaosu.” :-)

Bookio reservation system met all our expectations.We have been using it in our clinic for 4 years and its simplicity and user-friendliness can’t be praised highly enough. It is used daily by 5-8 of our therapists at the same time and makes it easier for them to see their appointments. Each client has their own online card, where we can see what procedures they have already had and what else we can recommend in terms of procedures and treatments.A big advantage is that we can see in real time who and when made the reservation, and who canceled it and when. Bookio is also a great benefit for our clients who like to manage their activities (bookings and dates) themselves through the online environment.

Bookio saved me a lot of time and provided my clients with a convenient solution. I have an overview of bookings, payments, and clients canbook at any time.

A solution thought out in detail, which is easy to use for both staff and guests, provides all the necessary functions and is perfect for managing multiple establishments. In addition, very professional support in cases where a specific situation needs to be resolved. We recommend it to anyone looking for a smart and stable solution :)

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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