Filters in the lists

Booking engine feature:

Filters in the lists

Filter orders by date, service, name, employee, time. All in one filterable list

Overview in orders

Quick filtering of customers

Clickable and quick filter

About the feature - Filters in the lists

Vďaka dokonalému systému, ktorý históriu objednávok uchováva podľa rôznych parametrov, si klienti vedia presne vyfiltrovať zoznam zákazníkov, ktorý aktuálne potrebujú. Potrebujete zoznam zákazníkov, ktorý u Vás už mesiac neboli, alebo ktorí využívajú vašu špeciálnu službu, alebo tých  ktorí sa k Vám ešte len chystajú, aby ste ich upozornili na zmenu? Vďaka Bookiu máte dokonalý prehľad vo všetkých rezerváciách. 

Feature Filters in the lists - suitable for industries:

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Businesses using Filters in the lists:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Fabrika 48
Zdravé masáže
Mauro Simon
Fabrika the beer pub
Tatiana Horváthová

Tatiana Horváthová

Sekcia inovácií, strategických investícií a analýz (HUB)

Martin Kružlík

Martin Kružlík

majiteľ baru Baudelaire a Bukowski

Eva Prekopová

Eva Prekopová

majiteľ Tatry FLy

Roy Zsidai

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

The online booking engine BOOKIO greatlyhelped our project team with implementing the project from the Recovery and Resilience Facility of the Slovak Republic which was aimed at training seniors in digital skills. We could provide seniors with information about the dates and locations of their courses. Thanks to the SMS gateway and email notifications offered by the system, we were able to get in touch with many seniors in Slovakia and at regular intervals remind them about the upcoming events. At the same time, we appreciate the high professionalism of the entire team as well as the setup and design of the system. BOOKIO booking system offers easy-to-use bookings and a number of options for creating courses with as much detail and information as possible for clients. The added value was also the actual collaboration with the BOOKIO team, who were always very helpful and willing to listen to every request on how to improve or adapt the system to our needs. We rate BOOKIO as a highly useful and professional booking system suitable for everyone.

We use Bookio in both our bars- Bukowski and Baudelaire. Previously, we handled bookings through a combination of social media messages and phone calls, which led to various misunderstandings. After the implementation of the Bookio system, our colleagues have less trouble with taking down bookings manually , we have fewer errors in reservations, and we also appreciate the flexibility of the system, in which we can < b>turn off and on individual zones of bars according to the season and set the maximum number of bookings for different days.

Bookio is an excellent reservation system that met our expectations 100%. Maximum individualization. The reservation system meets all our requirements. Bookio has no competition for us yet

We've chosen Bookio. because we believe that the team of people around this project shares the same values as us - they have a great work ethic and a passion for what they do. Bookio. is a young but rapidly evolving company and we are happy to work with them. Developing a new version of Bookio. together was very exitingand we are already looking forward to working together on future projects.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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