Booking via Google

Booking engine feature:

Booking via Google

Bookings directly in Google maps, search and Google assistant

Booking via Google Maps/Search/Assistant

Improving your search rankings

The option to book as soon as customers find you on the web.

About the feature - Booking via Google

Thanks to the use of Bookio. booking engine, you can have the "Book" button directly in Google search, maps and Google Assistant. This way you can attract new customers and also improve your site’s ranking in Google search. Another  advantage that sets your company apart from the competition.

Feature Booking via Google - suitable for industries:

Need help choosing a system?

Businesses using Booking via Google:

We are a proud partner of more than 18,000 businesses

Rehab klinik
Bistro ST. Germain
Fabrika 48
Zdravé masáže
Hotel Devín
Bukowski bar
Na kopci
Roy Zsidai

Roy Zsidai

Majiteľ Jamie Oliver´s Diner

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

Ing. Klaudia Vlčková

manažér kliniky MAZREKU medical

Maroš Hitka

Maroš Hitka

majiteľ masážneho salónu ZDRAVÉ MASÁŽE

Kristína Zajacová

Kristína Zajacová

majiteľka Bistro St. Germain

We've chosen Bookio. because we believe that the team of people around this project shares the same values as us - they have a great work ethic and a passion for what they do. Bookio. is a young but rapidly evolving company and we are happy to work with them. Developing a new version of Bookio. together was very exitingand we are already looking forward to working together on future projects.

Since we started using Bookio‘s functionality- paid reservations - we have managed to eliminate canceled reservations just before the appointment was due, which has helped us run our clinics smoothly and streamline our services.

Bookio is not just an ordinary reservation system. It is a versatile management tool that has helped us grow almost since our inception. In the meantime, we have opened new branches , expanded the range of services and are increasing their quality. It contains the functionalities of an advanced CMS system , thanks to which we can continuously measure the satisfaction and return of clients and the profitability of our operations. We already consider Bookio a part of our team: she is our virtual receptionist, but she can do much, much more.

We have been using Bookio. for 7 years and we are happy with it. It has helped us to keep order in the running of the restaurant, turn tables efficiently and it provides our customers with the opportunity to book online without unnecessary delays.

Bookio booking engine in numbers:

Customers served
Successful online payments
Years of experience

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